Each section of this area will be made up of means to make money online, will highlight specific areas of which you could be making money. Some may be a bit more complicated than others but each will focus on a CORE area to do so.
Become a social media influencer Part 1: Just what is a “social media influencer” as a lot of places put it? Think “Pewdiepie” or various others out there like him, as well as “celebs” like the Kardashians. Think of it basically as MASS brand exposure. What would YOU pay someone to get your brand out to 500,000+ strong followers? Short answer: It’s BIG money. Often those that join in and get real exposure end up getting partnered up with an agency of sorts to break into the market, then often if they have the capabilities go off on their own. Social media influencers can often be found on places such as Youtube, Instagram, Tumblr, and more.
Part 2: Often they get initial exposure as mentioned through an agency or being one of the first the actually post up some kind of social news. Essentially you become an “entertainment” brand or a “gossip” kind of website/influencer. Benefit of going through this kind of career choice is you’re often OVERPAID. The issue is getting started. Here is some more information from source IZEA: https://izea.com/2017/12/11/pay-social-media-influencers/ this gives an idea. Generally the EASIEST way to get started is to simply launch a social channel(Youtube, Instagram, and as many others you can think of all with the same brand name.) and find the best means to get the latest social viral news to post about or associate with.
Part 3:Woman have it a bit easier as they can be models for the products. Your best bet would be to do your research into the super successful influencers and emulate even on a small scale what they do. Small scale influencers can still get you hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Viewpoints whether you need an agency or not to market yourself: https://www.adleaks.com/influencer-marketing-vs-agency/ Some agencies to consider: https://influencermarketinghub.com/instagram-influencer-marketing-agencies/ for more information about getting started on focusing your brand in the right direction you can contact various agencies but I found this one in the past to be especially helpful, https://www.brandsnob.co/ and the best you can do is ASK questions. If you would like further information, let me know through DM’s as I have worked to market influencers in the past so I could get you started through some creative marketing.