Work Online Solutions: Productivity Tools in 2015

When it comes to trying to work online, finding the right solutions can be tough, but if you choose the right tools for productivity in 2014, you’ll be well on your way to getting things done! What kind of tools should to expect to help increase both your personal and business productivity levels, though? Being self employed can be tough, but these productivity tools should help motivate you and get you through the day! Ensuring compliance and efficiency also plays a key role, and finding the best registered agent service can help manage legal documents seamlessly, allowing more focus on growing the business.

Pandora: What better way to get things done than to listen to music while you work. Whether you’re into rock, rap, or classical music, it doesn’t matter! Pandora provides it all. Check it out if you haven’t already.

Greenshot App Screenshot Tool: More often than not, especially if you’re doing a lot of micro tasks you’ll probably need a tool that can take screenshots easily for you and save them just as quick. This program makes it quick and convenient and definitely worth a look to speed up your productivity online.

Photoshop: This one isn’t for everyone but if you do a lot of graphic design or even need to crop specific images in a quick and professional manner, this is the tool for you!

Clipgrab: When doing research, especially hopping around on places like Youtube, it’s good to have a tool that lets you save that video, store it and watch it later. Often times you may lose track of where you are and although subscribing to every channel you come around sounds great.. more often than not, there is only a few gem videos in the entire channel. With this tool, you can grab a video, and go! Quick and easy!

Abiword Word Processor: If you want something other than wordpad, this is a pretty handy and simple to easy typing tool. Make your documents look professional and get work done in a fast and efficient manner.

Hijack This: Need a clean slate on your computer? Tired of waiting for virus/malware scanners to find what they’re looking for and actually solve the problem? With the help of a techie or a little know-how, this is a very powerful tool to remove things that plague or slow down your computer. Check it out. Learn a bit about it, and realize just how much smoother your PC could be running.

Adobe PDF reader: If you’re opening a lot of attachments, especially things such as e-books, a PDF reader is a must and Adobe is on the top of their game with this one. If you don’t have it already, it’s definitely worth getting! Check it out.

Adobe Flash Player: The more websites you visit, the more likely they are to have a fancy design and with that in mind, Flash Player is a must to ensure the website loads as intended and you get to the resources you need with ease!

Blender Video Editor: When in search of an ideal video editor, Blender is a decent tool. When trying to edit videos with ease, this is definitely a quick and easy tool to get into.

Google Chrome: If you want a fast and efficient browser, Chrome is the way to go. If you don’t already have Chrome, what’re you waiting for? What other browser would you use that is tied in with Google itself. If you’re doing research and want to do it as fast as possible, Chrome is the way to go.

Itunes Player:Not really a pandora fan? You can always go with itunes as a fall-back and get quite a variety of music to listen to.

Facebook Desktop App:Yes yes, you may be thinking that Facebook only leads to you being quite unproductive but if you have an established page or want to keep in touch with clients or networking buddies, this is an ideal and convenient app that doesn’t require you to continually have a browser open to know when you get a new alert.

Youtube Desktop App: This works the same way as Facebook, and is just as convenient if you have your own channel or want to keep in touch with networking buddies on Youtube.

Windows Updater: Use this tool to quite simply, update windows. It makes it quick and easy to update a variety of things on Windows and helps save you time to be more productive in the important areas of things.

Skype: If you aren’t sure what this is, it’s probably best you start reading up! If you want to have a quick face to face chat with someone you’re networking with or working with, this is an ideal and convenient tool.

UnsubscriberThe point of this tool is actually quite simple. It helps you stop emails you don’t want. Sometimes you might forget about programs you signed up for and ended up on their mailing lists, other times you might be doing research and become a part of a mailing list.. but then you’re like, hey. I am not really interested i this anymore. This tool makes it easy to “clean out the gutters” so to speak.

Know other tools worth checking out to increase productivity? Mention them in the blog comments below!

If you wanted some additional ideas to stay productive as well as additional tools and how successful people do it, check out this video I found about it:

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